

Fulfilling the Commission | Casting the Vision | Continuing the Mission

Concordia Middle School’s Gospel Ministry to Our Students, Teachers, Community and World.

  • Ministry to students through evangelism and discipleship training.
    • Our evangelistic ministry
      • Our school-wide Christmas celebration provides an opportunity to share the good news of our Savior’s birth through a special worship service, Christmas carol competition, and tree-decorating contest.
      • Our week-long remembrance of our Lord’s Passion and the celebration of His resurrection helps the whole student body experience the love and grace of our Savior. Students participate in special activities during the week that help them to value life and understand the suffering of others.
      • Concordia offers three weekly chapels (Junior 1, Vocational 1, and school-wide Concordia Worship) where students of different age groups hear the gospel.
      • Concordia also holds a summer camp for students entering Junior 2. this camp uses small groups to present the gospel on a more personal level and to build skills in communication and team work.
    • Our discipleship training
      • Our weekly small groups (Junior2 &3 “Growth Groups” and Senior High “Life Groups”) provide interested students with continued follow up and formation in the faith.
      • Our senior high Christian club, the Stewards’ Club, meets once or twice a month in both large and small groups to form Christian leaders with hearts for service.
      • A series of interest, drama, literature, and leadership winter camps are available for interested students to grow in their skills as leaders. Many of our alumni return to help with these camps.
  • Ministry to teachers through outreach and team building

    Although Concordia is a Christian school, not all our teachers and staff are Christians. We share God’s love, praying that more of our teachers will join us in this life-challenging and exciting mission. Through a ministry of prayer and visitation, many of our fellow Concordians have been touched by Jesus’s love and come to faith in Him. Our weekly teachers’ prayer meeting is an important component to this ministry as we share the needs of our community with fellow Christian teachers. Weekly Bible Studies and devotions are also a means to reach our coworkers with the gospel and encourage them in their faith. For those coworkers that support our small group ministry to the students, a monthly teacher training in another way we can gather together for mutual support. Our annual all-school retreat is also a special time to be together and grow in our love for one another.

  • Ministry to community and world through service and educational missions.

    As a school started by Christian missionaries, we have been given certain gifts and talents by God to further share the good news of Jesus Christ in our community and around the world.

    Locally, we help our students see the needs of others through the Mercy Club. Here students can volunteer at Chia-Yi Christian Hospital and work with teachers and classmates to share god’s love with people in need. Also through our support of the RoJu School for the mentally challenged, our teachers and students have a chance to care for those with special needs.

    Concordia is also involved in reaching out to minority groups in remote mountainous areas around Chia-Yi. A team of Senior 3 students is sent out in the spring to help with the ZoZu people group in Cha Shan. Through social ministry, community service and English programs for local children, this gospel team carries the love of Christ to an isolated people.

    Concordia’s educational overseas missions currently focus on Wa state (Burma) and Yunnan Province (mainland China). By providing teachers, teaching materials, scholarships for students, clothing, and educational supplies, Concordia endeavors to share the love to Jesus with all people.

    Concordia also reaches out to our community through constant prayer for our alumni. A college entrance program has been developed to support our graduates during their transition to the world beyond our campus.

Ministry Goals

To know and care for our youth; to bring them to the Lord; to train them to be his disciples; to send them out to share the love of the Lord for the enrichment of the Church.

Ministry Strategy

Through professional counseling and pastoral care, we seek to care for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our students.

Prayer Requests

Please join us in praying for

  • our students that through our gospel activities they can come to know Jesus as their Lord and be instruments of grace in his service.
  • our teachers that through God’s grace, working together in God’s love, they will be filled with a vision for ministry to their students and others.
  • our mission work that together we can carry on the good news of our Lord through the gifts of teaching that he has given us.

If you have any questions about Concordia Middle School and the ministry of our religion department, or if you would like to support this ministry, you may contact us at:

Concordia Middle School
No. 31, Sec.2, Jianguo Rd., Minsyong Township, Chiayi, 62145 Taiwan(R.O.C)
Email: cmscare@cmsh.cyc.edu.tw